New England Chapter No. 8 NAWCCHighlights of 1999 Summer Meeting
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Morning Workshop |
Bob Frishman (left - Prog Chair), Donald Fennimore (Sr. Curator Winterthur Museum), and John Stephens, Curator Willard House. |
The featured speaker for the day was Donald Fennimore. He is the Senior Curator of Metals at the Winterthur Museum, Delaware and his topic was "Its about time - Clocks at Winterthur." and could well have been called Don's favorite clocks! With the use of quality slides, Fennimore talked about clocks at the museum, describing with some detail the museum, collection. The collection at the museum is unique in because of its representation of all the clock making centers with some of the "lesser'" know clock makers. Clocks that may interest us in the northeast Daniel Burnap from East Windsor- -Gawen Brown of Boston Elanathan Taber from Roxbury, Simon Willard's "favorite apprentice" and of course a couple from Simon himself! The catalogue of The Henry Francis DU Pont Winterthur Collection can be seen at the Chapter Eight table in the mart room or see John Lelievre the Chapter Archivist.
The afternoon presentation was devoted to the Museum 's watch collection, and tools. Just to make sure we were getting good value, Fennimore, who "does things for the fun of it" closed his presentation with a talk about Sundials In American. This was an article published in the magazine, Antiques, in 1992. He discussed the portable sun dial and the need for accurate latitudes and documentation. Fennimore confesses he is not an horologist, but his presentation, however, suggested that he was very modest! Winterthur is open year, but closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. find out more at or 1.800.448.3883
Donald L.Fennimore since 1971 has been a Curator at the world-famous Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum in Winterthur, Delaware. He has organized several exhibitions at the museum and has authored numerous articles on Early American furniture, art ,hardware and hand made metal objects.
Year 2000 is Chapter Eight's Fiftieth Birthday. Part of the celebration will be an Anniversary picnic at Bowen House Woodstock, Connecticut. on August 5, 2000. This promises to be a grand affair with a momento gift.
The Chapter Eight Silent Auction has now become a permanent feature in the mart room and attracts a lot of interest. There is no charge to join the auction. Sellers write the item description with a minimum bid, sellers and high bidders settle directly.-with 5% of the selling price donated to the Chapter funds .Plan to bring an item to the next Chapter meeting.
In an effort to encourage members who have experienced the fun and excitement of having a mart table , , there is a door prize for registered members --the prize is one meeting registration and one free mart table.
If you would like to help out at your chapter meeting, or you want to critique (we'll respond) or praise (we love those!) call the Chapter President Larry Chelmow at 781-828-1626.
Holiday Inn, Boxborough Woods, Massachusetts. The Hotel is located on the east side of Route 1-495 at exit 28. Those desiring overnight lodging should contact the hotel directly at 978-263-8701.
The Chapter hospitality suite will be open on Friday, at 5.00pm -- ask at the front desk.
Registrations before August 2, 1999 are $18.
Registrations received after August 2, 1999 and "walk-ins" will be $25.
As always, registration includes your luncheon and is required for participation in any of the meeting activities.
7:30 AM | Registration name tags available for those members who preregistered. Registration table open for "walk-ins". |
8:00 AM | Mart area open for setup by table holders. Security on duty. |
8:30 AM | Mart opens. |
10:15 AM | Morning workshop: "MARBLE CASE RESTORATION"
Ehiel Rits shares his 20 years of fine-art restoration experience to explain his techniques for museum-quality repairs of broken marble, damaged bronze mounts and cracked or chipped enamel dials. Come and learn from a Master! |
11:30 AM | Mart room closes for luncheon break. Mart security remains "in place" |
12:00 noon |
Luncheon "IT'S ABOUT TIME:--CLOCKS AT WINTERTHUR" The Luncheon Speaker is Donald Fennimore. He is the Senior Curator of Metals at the Winterthur Museum. |
1:00 PM | Afternoon workshop: "SUNDIALS AT WINTERTHUR" Take this rare opportunity to hear about the museum's holdings of our earliest timekeepers. Don Fennimore,who wrote about this topic in ANTIQUES MAGAZINE, again will be the presenter, and he will also be able to answer your questions about his lunch time talk. |
3:00 PM | Mart closes - Mart security ends. |
The Presidents Corner--Larry Chelmow
It's hard to believe the year is more than half over. After my trip to the National Convention, it is apparent that our organization is still healthy. That is not to say that everything is running smoothly but I did get the feeling that our National Officers are aware of the problems that face our organization. The major problem is, of course, is money and how to cover expenses in the future - not too unlike our local chapter level problems. I should also mention that Chapter 8 received a NAWCC Presidential Citation for meeting the requirements of a chapter as defined by the By-Laws and Chapter Handbook and has made a contribution to the Association. A quick word on some of the controversy regarding the operation of our National Organization -controversy is a good thing and will ultimately result in a better organization.
Please try to take the time to vote on the By - Law Changes in the June Bulletin. This is an excellent opportunity to impact the running of your organization.
As I always end, please feel free to call me with any thoughts, comments, or criticisms. My telephone number is (781) 828 - 1626.
Speaker Biographies at today's meeting:
Donald L.Fennimore since 1971 has been a Curator at the world-famous Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum in Winterthur, Delaware. He has organized several exhibitions at the museum and has authored numerous articles on Early American furniture, art, hardware and hand made metal objects..
Ehiel Rits emigrated here 20 years ago from Latvia where he studied art and restoration for seven years at the State Academy of Art. As an employee and now owner of Rosine Green Associates in Brookline, he and his staff perform the highest level of restoration work on many kinds of valuable antique art works.
Chapter Eight's NEW SILENT AUCTION !
The format for the silent auction has now changed .
There is no charge to join the auction, Sellers, write the item description with a minimum bid. Buyers can then write larger bids. At 11:15 when the auction ends, Sellers and high bidders settle directly.
5% of the selling price donated to the chapter funds.---Plan to bring an item to auction.
RAFFLE :-Open to all Registered Members --no walks-ins
prize :- one meeting registration and one free mart table.
the drawing open to all registered members.(no walk-ins)
must be present to win --non-transferable
Program for 1999:
October 9, 1999, Chapter meeting; at The Holiday Inn in Boxboro MA.
The Fall Educational Symposium, Saturday, November 6th, Peabody Essex Museum. Mark your calendars for this day-long event.One of New England's finest museums, located in Salem, Massachusetts, will co-host with Chapter Eight a rich program entitled "When our Antique Clocks Were New".
January 29, 2000, Chapter meeting; at Sturbridge Host Hotel
April 15, 2000, Chapter meeting; at Manchester NH Holiday Inn
We will hear expert presentations about the first makers, owners and home settings of early Boston area timekeepers, as well as have special tours of the museum. Watch for sign up information accompanying the October meeting notice.
Mark your calendars now
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